Thursday, August 24, 2006

Speaking of Texas...

I can't help it -- regardless of the fact that I haven't lived there in decades, "Texas" still oozes out of my pores. When we crossed the Red River last Friday, I threatened to make everyone get out of the car and kiss the ground (their lips were saved only by the fact that it was over 100 degrees outside). I boldly stated that the Red River existed to protect Texas from the rest of the country, whereupon Steve (who had been my friend until last Friday) suggested that the Red River existed to protect the rest of the country from Texas. Such ignorance!
To add insult to injury, Steve recounted the conversation before the church when he made the announcements before worship service on Sunday... whereupon Terry, when he came up to lead the first prayer, muttered something like, "let's pray the river continues to run." Such ignorance! But what can you expect when you get this far north...?

Oh, the word for the day is: whereupon... (further proof that Texans are not ignorant rednecks...)

Have a good 'un, ya'll!


Unknown said...

whadja mean tyexans arn't smart?

Anonymous said...

Bobby, These poor Kansans don't know beauty when they see it. Right on Texas!!!