Thursday, August 24, 2006

Marriage Enrichment

Last weekend we travelled to Texas with another couple from the church here to attend a Marriage Enrichment Seminar. Carl Brecheen and Paul Faulkner have been doing these seminars several times a year for over 3 decades, and all the while they have continued to teach university classes, preach, lead churches, counsel thousands of people, and raise families. This is the last year they will do these seminars, so I'm glad we were able to attend this one.
It's hard to objectively evaluate the influence these two men have exercised in my life. Paul taught Freshman Bible (New Testament Survey), and I sat "at his feet" for two semesters. I suspect that his approach to teaching and his own philosophy of Christian living have been an unrecognized framework for my own. Carl Brecheen taught (and still teaches) Family Relations. That course helped me gel a philosophy of marriage and relationships that permeates all my own teaching today. I guess that listening to the two of them this past weekend reminded me again just how much I - and probably thousands of others - owe to the work of these two men.
Lord, help me to imitate their commitment to excellence in teaching and living the faith.
Thank you, Paul. Thank you, Carl.

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